Yes. It’s a Greek word alright. Literal meaning of Apocalypse is to reveal something secret to a special person or a group of persons. It is the name of a Christian holy book from the Last Testament and attributed to one of the twelve apostle of Jesus Christ, Saint John. Let’s see what the term has to reveal to us and understand its significance owing to the contemporary debates going on for the apocalypse 2012.
The ending of the world predictions have always been there around but it has become a major subject of interest now days as the time predicted is indeed a few months in future. December the 21st, 2012, to be very exact has been considered as the doomsday in 2012 by various schools of thought. Fueled by a cargo of books, web sites with countdown clocks, and claims about ancient timekeepers, interest is growing in what some see as the dawn of a new era, and others as an expiration date for Earth. Just a little web search will reveal what I mean. It seems like many theories have converged together like beam of lights though a lens pointing towards something revolutionizing that’s going to happen on that date.
Interestingly these theories are not only thrown from historical mythical religions or subcultures that existed years ago, but also scientific community has a say in it. The web search as said will most likely pop up the term “Apocalypse” in various ways. The reason lies in the fact that this book originally makes references to beliefs such as the resurrection of the dead, judgment day, eternal life, final judgment and perdition. Though it holds a distinctive position in religious literature and a considerable value in the believes, lives, traditions, and rituals of Christian, the term has been now generalized and is associated with everything that has to say anything about how the world is going to end. Theories as mentioned above are collectively known as Apocalypse 2012 in this regard.
In the span of history, many different people, religions and scientists have predicted the Apocalypse. So let’s have look at the most popular doomsday theories that have made their way into the world wide world ending contentions.
The Mayans are the most famously quoted for the 2012 doom prophecies and can be credited with getting the whole thing started. About 3000 years ago, they were an advanced civilization and had extra ordinary skills in astronomy and future predictions. They had created this Long Calendar that had 12 great cycles of 5125.36 years according to Gregorian time frame. It is said that this is the 12th cycle that has started since August 13, 3114 B.C and shall end on December 21st 2012. So what gives this Giant Cycle End a credential is an astronomic prediction of a giant meteor clashing against earth at similar time frame called Nibiru collision pole shift. Another scientific base for it lies in the fact that this date coincides with the winter solstice, December 22, when the sun is at its southernmost point which marks an alignment of the sun with the center of the Milky Way galaxy. This gives a polar shift to the earth and then of course, the theoretical consequences are destructive.
Another signal comes from the land of China.
In ancient times, the humans living in China used to have their divine suggestions made through one of the oldest text in human history called I-Ching. They used to ask their queries to an expert of I-Ching's reader and the expert used to flip three coins or stone buttons into the air to make a hexagram based upon the positions they landed. That was used in interpreting the answer with the help of I- Ching. A guy named Terence McKenna gathered all possible result and created a pattern. When he applied that pattern with time line of human history and saw it in form of a line graph. The observation which he made that on several major earthly events in human history, the high and low points coincided. On December 2012, the liner graph goes off the chart which indicates a major event to take place at that time. With the way it is alleged that the autumn of the Roman Empire, the discovery of the New World and World Wars I and II were predictions from I-Ching which came true.
Subsequently there’s a pc program called Web-bot, created by some geeks around in 90s to generate stock market predictions. Web-bot works similar to a Web search engine does, but it presents its results in the shape of numerical trends. Basically, it absolutely was designed to analyze the enormous info present on the Web plus subsequently generate predictions based on its findings. The longer term prediction results indicated some small nuclear wars which can erupt somewhere in the world in year 2009, initiating a series of big events resulting in a significant cataclysm in the year 2012. Here is the official generally attention-grabbing issue regarding it; 9/eleven was particular one of its, supposed, predictions, also Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy, New York blackout of 2003, Anthrax scares at the U.S. House of Representatives and last but not the least, Hurricane Katrina.
The Hopis are one of America's oldest Indian tribes, found in the northeastern section of Arizona who believes time to be cyclical and made up of a number of worlds. When a world begins it is innocent and pure, but as time goes by the world and its people become corrupted by vulgarity, war and bribery. At the height of decay the world ends, its people are purified, and everything starts over from the beginning. And, that is what is going to happen in 2012.
The age of information and its enabling technology has supported the knowledge sharing process around the world so as a result we see small and large groups of people from various societies coming together in advocating their believes. Whether it’s a fact or fiction is another chapter in all, however, what we have tried here is to understand how the theme of Apocalypse 2012 has taken shape. Subject of such kinds are not new. These concepts have always been reflected in thought processes of philosophers belonging to progressive civilizations. People have always wondered and commented on the big questions of existence. The questions such as who are we, where we come from, what is space time and where are we in it, what is the beginning and what is the ultimate is a subject of historical religions, modern day philosophy, and a significant portion of scientific discoveries.
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