

The age of Aquarius 2012-Is It There

A new beginning or end of the world?
The grand originator of the universe, the creator, God has a celestial timing pattern for mankind. The movement of our earth around the Sun and our solar system around the Galactic Sun is defining point for the timing patterns. The rotation around the sun gives us our season while the rotation around the galactic sun gives us our ages.

People have conceived existence subjected to cycles of time. The Mayans who arrived over 5000 years ago believed in the rotation of time and their calculations and observations are still considered to be accurate some of which are beyond the knowledge of modern science. The Aztecs also divided time into different “Suns”. Suns give rise to different humanities which they called Children of the First Sun, The Second Sun and so on. In old Europe even the ancient Greeks divided humanity into four cycles: the Golden Age, the Silver age, the Bronze age and the iron age. At the end of Iron Age the Earth is reformed and a new Golden Age begins. Just like the Aztecs and the Old Europeans, the same conception of existence is found in their sacred books.

In modern times we have forgotten that the life and time unfolds in cycles and we tend to think that it is revealed in linear pattern i.e. the past, present and the future. We don’t realize the year itself unfolds in endless cycles of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Just like the concepts of different ages and cycles that is to be found in the history of different ancient civilization, there exists the astrological cycle. This cycle has different zodiacal ages: the Age of Pisces, the Age of Aquarius…which keeps on repeating themselves until they complete the large cycle of time or Platonic Year.

Ages interlink the rise and fall, sinusoidal wave of cultural trends of civilizations; some astrologers believe that ages affect the mankind as a whole. Before the beginning of a new age the influence of that new age can be felt and seen. Since Aquarius is believed to rule modernization, electricity, freedom and democracy, this transitional developments of today’s era are said to be the appearance of the age of the Aquarius.

A lot of contradictions are found in the concept that either Age of Aquarius is the current age or new age in the astrological cycle. Astrologers like David William claim that Age of Aquarius has already began and adopts a sub-period approach to the ages which means that each age is divided into three decans. The world right now is in the first decan of the Aquarian age. Then there are theories of Marcia Moore and Mark Douglas who say that no one knows when the Aquarian Age will start. Robert Zoller on the other hand considers Aquarian Age as the Dark Age where religion will be considered offensive, family ties will be broken and knowledge will be measured only by its ability to win wars.
Vera Reid like many astrologers believes that Age of Aquarius will be the time when humankind will take control of the Earth and its own destiny as its rightful heritage. He believes that the keyword for Aquarius is “enlightenment” and this age is the destiny of Humankind.

The end Mayan calendar may not be the end of world but it might be a new beginning, once the Age of Aquarius starts the human lives will change forever. This Age will bring people closer to God and those will be spiritually sound will be the ones who survive with this new change. 2012 might not be the apocalypse but it can be a new door that shall lead us to the right path. Those who have begun to “enlighten” and have chose right path shall have no difficulty with the changes that come our way. Some people also link the beginning of this new age with the Rapture event that is mentioned in the Bible, which is the return of Jesus together his saints.

Media is creating hype about the 2012 doomsday theory which is linked with Mayan Calendar and later leads to the Age of Aquarius, if one really has to believe in something then instead of focusing on the negativity of the event that leads to the 2012 december end of the world, one should focus on the positive aspect of the whole situation. If Age of Aquarius is to arrive in2012 then enlightenment might exactly be the thing we need. Why not pick hope instead of fear? Peace, love is all we need so instead of focusing on the end why not think of it as a new beginning something that might help us rise and greet life with a positive attitude.

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