There is a great hype today in the world regarding the above captioned statement. And it is purely based on various cults predicting the doomsday in 2012 for our planet earth and its surrounding galaxies. But before we go any further with our analysis of a variety of myths, we must bear in mind the following famous quote:
“When fear takes over, intelligence and common sense take off”.
So what did different cults and myths have to say about the world coming to an end. Read on:
Mayan Prediction
The Mayan Calendar has been uncanny in predicting the world events accurately. For example, it accurately predicted “the rise of White Man gods form the Sea in March 1519, amongst hosts of other predictions. The Mayan Calendar ends in the winter months of 2012. December 21 2012, to be precise. Most pundits take this abrupt end to signify the 2012 end of the World as we know it today. However, astronomers differ with this interpretation, as according to them December 21, 2012 signifies the end of a Galactic Day. Each galactic day is equal to 25,625 earth years, which is further divided into a five galactic period of 5,125 earthly years. The Mayan calendar simply ends with the conclusion of this Galactic day. A new Galactic day will dawn after the end of this previous Galactic day, just like any new 24 hour period day of our earthly life.
The Bible
The Bible also predicts the end of the world but due different reasons. It forecasts the end of the world due to death as a result of a massive plague. According to the Bible almost two thirds of the population will perish due to this plague and this will mark the beginning of the end of the World. Today H1N1 flu and Swine flu are taking its toll in the world. According to WHO and Hospital surveys, the rate at which these viruses are spreading, two thirds of the population may well be wiped out in three years time.
The Sybillian Prophecies
Sybil was an oracle. According to Sybillian prophecies the world will last for 9 periods of 800 years each and the 10th generation will begin in 2000. This period will be marked by great natural calamities like earthquakes, tsunamis which will throw many large cities in the sea. There will be war, and many cities will burn and the ashes will reach the skies. So far we have seen Tsunami in 2004, which drowned many cities in the sea. And then there is war in Iraq and Afghanistan. So according to Sybillian prediction, the world will most probably end in 2012.
The Quran
The holy Quran is the most respected book in the world due its literary and scientific value. The Quran has also predicted the end of the world with seven signs signifying the end. The first is splitting the moon, which has come true when parts of the moon were brought back to earth for analysis. Second is the breaking of the Quran's Mathematical code, which has also been cracked. The third is the emergence of a creature, which most people believe it to be the Computer. It also predicts the emergence of Yajooj and Majooj, emergence of Imam Mehdi, descending of Jesus to save the world, complete conversion to Islam and the defeat of the One Eyed Dajjal. Incidentally, people usually assume the one eyed Dajjal to be a human being, when in fact if one observes the Dajjal can be any other being. However, after its defeat, it will rise again and the world will then again descend into immorality when religion, in any form, shall cease to exist and when women will outnumber men to the ratio of seven women to one man. The world will then come to an end. With so many events to take place it doesn’t seem likely that the world will end in 2012
Nostradamus predicted end of the world due to war. But most of his predictions are obscure, hidden behind ambiguous verses, which many have interpreted to suit their own theories. For example, both the Germans and the English used his obscure prophecies to forecast each others ultimate defeat. He, however, predicts that the world shall be destroyed due to World War III by 1998. Well, that has passed by, but as far as the world politics is concerned, this war may not be far off, especially taking into account predictions enumerated above.
Scientific facts are probably the most reliable, easily understood and believed by many. According to one theory, our sun is constantly expanding and will one day engulf our tiny planet rendering everything lifeless. But this will take place in five million years time. However, another phenomena described by science is that in 2012 all the planets in our solar system will be in complete alignment. Not only this, but it will occur when the solar system will be directly in alignment with the “black hole’. And what is the black hole? It is what Bermuda Triangle is to our planet earth.
It is inevitable that the world, like any living thing, will come to an end. When will this happen? Is 2012 the end? There is not much point in being phobic about a doubtful date. Important thing is to salvage the world from our own man made disasters (global warming, war, poverty, starvation, hunger deprivation, etc.) and salvage ourselves by performing good deeds for others less fortunate.
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