Well to figure out what’s all the fuss about, read on….
2012 The End of the World! A lot have been going on lately within our world since the hearing of the end of Mayan calendar; Polar shift is one of them. The pole shift is in simple words a phenomenon which happens rarely and happens when south and north poles switch each other's locations. We all understand that life of a human depicts the same ups and downs as of any other heavenly body, just on a relative scale of time and physical existence. In earth's case this is true too. Earth's cycle of life takes negative and positive portions for balance and that has been happening since its creation. And so the course of life on earth changes accordingly. This is what Mayans might have calculated and corresponded it to human life.
Some History in the light of Polar shift
Nostradamus 2012 end of the world theory predicts earth would be destroyed, he is well known for his prophecies and abilities to look into the future and of course we can’t neglect Mayan calendar which by ‘some people’ ends in December 2012 another reason for telling something will happen in 2012
What is this Polar Shift?
A Pole shift is a rare phenomenon and is characterized by the north and the south poles swapping places.
Magnetic pole reversals/shifts have occurred several times in the past and over differing time periods. The rate of decrease and the current strength are within the normal range of variation based on past readings so it's already happening. It’s not an on-off mechanism.
To understand the concept of pole shift we first need to understand how the core of earth works. We all know that our earth is a big magnet and the magnetic field which earth possess is generated from this core. The core is a molten iron ball which is as hot as 3 quarter of the sun. This core iron rotates at its own speed and generates magnetic field by the outer molten iron rotating over the inner also with the help of earth's rotation as a planet.
Know the Earth!
Every moon and planet has an orbit, and so does every star system, just like our Solar System, which is just another name for Star System. Earths magnetic pole is unstable over long time scales but stable for almost all of earth’s history.
It is a fact that earth stays with no physical strings attached but with the help of inter heavenly bodies' attraction, but it cannot fall anywhere but in space where it already is. This attraction is more effective amongst bodies near to us like moon and sun. Their force which affects the earth varies because of their own rotation. This variation of force keeps earth orbiting around its axis and keeps it from orbiting in an exact circle and give it a tilt spin of a few degrees. This all and earth's own precession makes earth to reverse poles at some intervals which may be irregular. But that has happened before and this phenomenon does not make earth to lose its magnetic strength at any point.
2012! Will it be the end?
Earth’s pole will reverse in 2012, which is just common "end of the world prophecy paranoia". What "end of the world predictions" miss is that there have been thousands of them and none of them ever happened. Commonly facts are as follows
Few facts
- According to some people belief our solar system revolves around a bigger and massive sun, in fact our solar system does revolve around a centre of our galaxy but that centre is a black hole now. Yes it has a massive gravity which is obviously required to pull together the whole galaxy around it. But it is certainly not a star, it may have been a star but it has turned into something different very long ago.
- “Photonic Energy” is light, a form of energy. It does not require any medium to travel. It is a form of energy which has little or no effect on human consciousness or behavior. It certainly cannot affect the earth’s magnetic field.
- Well the overall light of the whole galaxy remains the same. If we pass through a brighter region of the galaxy, the effect of that will just be that our nights will be a little brighter. However if we get a sudden raise in cosmic radiation the effect of that would be raise in cancer, blindness and death. But, we are lucky to have our sun and our atmosphere to protect us from those cosmic radiations.
Why all the hype going on is false:
- A pole shift is supposed to happen in 2012.
It will happen at some point in time but u can’t say when. A common sense point that comes as a logical answer is why NASA would not be able to confirm if there was some truth to it.
- Because of planet Nibiru pole shift will have affect on our magnetic field and it will make it to near zero.
It would still be there, in different unaccustomed places but will be as effective and powerful it is.
- A pole shift would be so bad for earth that it may freeze?
Yes, but it will take 5,000 years or more to shift and stabilize the poles as they are now. It's not going to be in a flash.
- We’re long overdue for a pole reversal.
Well may be, but it's been 380,000 years that we are over due, according to NASA. Our little 5,000 years of history is just a fraction.
Another popular belief is that pole shift completely removes the earth’s magnetic field during its reversal. Thus, the earth would be exposed to radiations and solar storms. Well, once again, this isn’t true because the strength of the magnetic field would remain the same. It's just that it will be more of souths and norths of poles emerging from different parts of the world till it's settled to reversed two pole positions.
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