

Apocalypse 2012-Myth and Reality

Apocalypse 2012 – The world-ending Fad Gets Stronger day by day
Yes. It’s a Greek word alright. Literal meaning of Apocalypse is to reveal something secret to a special person or a group of persons. It is the name of a Christian holy book from the Last Testament and attributed to one of the twelve apostle of Jesus Christ, Saint John. Let’s see what the term has to reveal to us and understand its significance owing to the contemporary debates going on for the apocalypse 2012.

The ending of the world predictions have always been there around but it has become a major subject of interest now days as the time predicted is indeed a few months in future. December the 21st, 2012, to be very exact has been considered as the doomsday in 2012 by various schools of thought. Fueled by a cargo of books, web sites with countdown clocks, and claims about ancient timekeepers, interest is growing in what some see as the dawn of a new era, and others as an expiration date for Earth. Just a little web search will reveal what I mean. It seems like many theories have converged together like beam of lights though a lens pointing towards something revolutionizing that’s going to happen on that date.

Interestingly these theories are not only thrown from historical mythical religions or subcultures that existed years ago, but also scientific community has a say in it. The web search as said will most likely pop up the term “Apocalypse” in various ways. The reason lies in the fact that this book originally makes references to beliefs such as the resurrection of the dead, judgment day, eternal life, final judgment and perdition. Though it holds a distinctive position in religious literature and a considerable value in the believes, lives, traditions, and rituals of Christian, the term has been now generalized and is associated with everything that has to say anything about how the world is going to end. Theories as mentioned above are collectively known as Apocalypse 2012 in this regard.

In the span of history, many different people, religions and scientists have predicted the Apocalypse. So let’s have look at the most popular doomsday theories that have made their way into the world wide world ending contentions.

The Mayans are the most famously quoted for the 2012 doom prophecies and can be credited with getting the whole thing started. About 3000 years ago, they were an advanced civilization and had extra ordinary skills in astronomy and future predictions. They had created this Long Calendar that had 12 great cycles of 5125.36 years according to Gregorian time frame. It is said that this is the 12th cycle that has started since August 13, 3114 B.C and shall end on December 21st 2012. So what gives this Giant Cycle End a credential is an astronomic prediction of a giant meteor clashing against earth at similar time frame called Nibiru collision pole shift. Another scientific base for it lies in the fact that this date coincides with the winter solstice, December 22, when the sun is at its southernmost point which marks an alignment of the sun with the center of the Milky Way galaxy. This gives a polar shift to the earth and then of course, the theoretical consequences are destructive.

Another signal comes from the land of China.
In ancient times, the humans living in China used to have their divine suggestions made through one of the oldest text in human history called I-Ching. They used to ask their queries to an expert of I-Ching's reader and the expert used to flip three coins or stone buttons into the air to make a hexagram based upon the positions they landed. That was used in interpreting the answer with the help of I- Ching. A guy named Terence McKenna gathered all possible result and created a pattern. When he applied that pattern with time line of human history and saw it in form of a line graph. The observation which he made that on several major earthly events in human history, the high and low points coincided. On December 2012, the liner graph goes off the chart which indicates a major event to take place at that time. With the way it is alleged that the autumn of the Roman Empire, the discovery of the New World and World Wars I and II were predictions from I-Ching which came true.

Subsequently there’s a pc program called Web-bot, created by some geeks around in 90s to generate stock market predictions. Web-bot works similar to a Web search engine does, but it presents its results in the shape of numerical trends. Basically, it absolutely was designed to analyze the enormous info present on the Web plus subsequently generate predictions based on its findings. The longer term prediction results indicated some small nuclear wars which can erupt somewhere in the world in year 2009, initiating a series of big events resulting in a significant cataclysm in the year 2012. Here is the official generally attention-grabbing issue regarding it; 9/eleven was particular one of its, supposed, predictions, also Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy, New York blackout of 2003, Anthrax scares at the U.S. House of Representatives and last but not the least, Hurricane Katrina.

The Hopis are one of America's oldest Indian tribes, found in the northeastern section of Arizona who believes time to be cyclical and made up of a number of worlds. When a world begins it is innocent and pure, but as time goes by the world and its people become corrupted by vulgarity, war and bribery. At the height of decay the world ends, its people are purified, and everything starts over from the beginning. And, that is what is going to happen in 2012.
The age of information and its enabling technology has supported the knowledge sharing process around the world so as a result we see small and large groups of people from various societies coming together in advocating their believes. Whether it’s a fact or fiction is another chapter in all, however, what we have tried here is to understand how the theme of Apocalypse 2012 has taken shape. Subject of such kinds are not new. These concepts have always been reflected in thought processes of philosophers belonging to progressive civilizations. People have always wondered and commented on the big questions of existence. The questions such as who are we, where we come from, what is space time and where are we in it, what is the beginning and what is the ultimate is a subject of historical religions, modern day philosophy, and a significant portion of scientific discoveries.

Is 2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl

The return of Quetzalcoatl- Is it near?
With large amounts of data related to the world destruction and end theories, the name Quetzalcoatl has a special significance. It is a common belief of majority of world religions that someone authoritative personality previously been on the face of earth shall return one day, and most probably that is going to be the end of the world. Christians, Jews, Muslims share such a belief, and so did the ancient religions such as that of Mayans and Aztecs. Let’s try to understand the figure of Quetzalcoatl, and why the name has been associated so much with the doomsday predictions.

Quetzalcoatl is a Mexican-American deity whose name comes from the American Indian language and has the meaning of "feathered-serpent", the quetzal being a bird of extremely bright feather native to Central American and coatl being the Nahuatl (the indigenous language of highland Mexico) word for snake. This combination of air creature and earth creature is found in the oldest creation myths of Mesoamerica. Quetzalcoatl was said to have once taught the people of Central and South America about establishing a culture that would flourish for hundreds of years. When he left, he promised to someday return. This god is related to wind, of Venus, of the dawn, of merchants and of arts, crafts and knowledge. The myth of Quetzalcoatl was not limited to the cultures of highland Mexico. In the southern regions of Mesoamerica the Maya also had a similar deity known as Kukulcan, their name for the "feathered serpent."

It is believed that the Indian people of central Mexico called Toltecs had a two opposite entity balance belief system Quetzalcoatl's opposite is Tezcatlipoca, who, in one legend, made Quetzalcoatl to exile. Other legend says, he left willingly on a raft which was made of snakes, but promised to be back at some time. The Axtec people turned him into a symbol of death and resurrection and a patron of priests. Aztecs when adopted the belief of Toltecs, they crafted out two gods out of Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl, which were opposite but equal in powers; Quetzalcoatl was referred to as White Tezcatlipoca, to differ him from the black Tezcatlipoca.

Some Mormons scholars, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, believe that Quetzalcoatl, as a white, bearded God who came from the sky and promised to return, was actually Jesus Christ. According to the Book of Mormon, Jesus visited the American natives after his resurrection. Several researches have tried to correlate Quetzalcoatl with Jesus. Unsurprisingly, there is definitely a deep resemblance in both the prophecies conceptually.

And historical, religious, scientific with astronomical indications of the world coming to an end in 2012, there's also an archaeological grounds suggesting the very same. It is thought because of the monument Six. During road digging in 1960 in area controlled by Mexico there was a find in shape of a stone tablet. It didn't sustain the looting and the whole site became the part of the highway. Interestingly the left over parts of the tablet contained the date 2012. Moreover the inscription also tells about Bolon Yokte that he is supposed to come by 2012. Bolon Yokte was a Mayan god who is linked to creation and war; return of Quetzalcoatl is what signifies because of this find.

Let us try to relate the facts and make sense out of information overload. First, the Mayans, Aztecs, and Toltecs believed in a powerful God who promised to return back. The Christians await the return of Jesus and the Rapture in which all the Christians will be whisked into heaven and a war against evil and good will take place on Earth. Muslims await the coming of Jesus, Antichrist and also the Mehdi. Scientific predictions of a great meteor clash come in. Then there’s a Mayan Long Calendar that ends in 2012 and Mayans who have been credited heavily for their accuracy, this in fact converges all the theories, predictions and prophecies that is supposed to take place in December 2012.

To summarize the deductions, there’s someone who is going to return to Earth and mark the end. All destructions and havocs will be a resultant to set an end to the evil prevailing so as to start a new beginning. Logically speaking there has to be a start and an end to everything. This also applies to the system of which we are part of. To believe in the diverse theories relating to how it would happen that flood the media is an individual’s discretion, however one thing which is common in indications of the end of the world is the return of questzalcoatl.

Polar Shift 2012-Hype or Reality

Have you heard that the world is going to end in 2012?
Well to figure out what’s all the fuss about, read on….
2012 The End of the World! A lot have been going on lately within our world since the hearing of the end of Mayan calendar; Polar shift is one of them. The pole shift is in simple words a phenomenon which happens rarely and happens when south and north poles switch each other's locations. We all understand that life of a human depicts the same ups and downs as of any other heavenly body, just on a relative scale of time and physical existence. In earth's case this is true too. Earth's cycle of life takes negative and positive portions for balance and that has been happening since its creation. And so the course of life on earth changes accordingly. This is what Mayans might have calculated and corresponded it to human life.

Some History in the light of Polar shift
Nostradamus 2012 end of the world theory predicts earth would be destroyed, he is well known for his prophecies and abilities to look into the future and of course we can’t neglect Mayan calendar which by ‘some people’ ends in December 2012 another reason for telling something will happen in 2012

What is this Polar Shift?
A Pole shift is a rare phenomenon and is characterized by the north and the south poles swapping places.
Magnetic pole reversals/shifts have occurred several times in the past and over differing time periods. The rate of decrease and the current strength are within the normal range of variation based on past readings so it's already happening. It’s not an on-off mechanism.
To understand the concept of pole shift we first need to understand how the core of earth works. We all know that our earth is a big magnet and the magnetic field which earth possess is generated from this core. The core is a molten iron ball which is as hot as 3 quarter of the sun. This core iron rotates at its own speed and generates magnetic field by the outer molten iron rotating over the inner also with the help of earth's rotation as a planet.

Know the Earth!
Every moon and planet has an orbit, and so does every star system, just like our Solar System, which is just another name for Star System. Earths magnetic pole is unstable over long time scales but stable for almost all of earth’s history.

It is a fact that earth stays with no physical strings attached but with the help of inter heavenly bodies' attraction, but it cannot fall anywhere but in space where it already is. This attraction is more effective amongst bodies near to us like moon and sun. Their force which affects the earth varies because of their own rotation. This variation of force keeps earth orbiting around its axis and keeps it from orbiting in an exact circle and give it a tilt spin of a few degrees. This all and earth's own precession makes earth to reverse poles at some intervals which may be irregular. But that has happened before and this phenomenon does not make earth to lose its magnetic strength at any point.

2012! Will it be the end?
Earth’s pole will reverse in 2012, which is just common "end of the world prophecy paranoia". What "end of the world predictions" miss is that there have been thousands of them and none of them ever happened. Commonly facts are as follows

Few facts
- According to some people belief our solar system revolves around a bigger and massive sun, in fact our solar system does revolve around a centre of our galaxy but that centre is a black hole now. Yes it has a massive gravity which is obviously required to pull together the whole galaxy around it. But it is certainly not a star, it may have been a star but it has turned into something different very long ago.

- “Photonic Energy” is light, a form of energy. It does not require any medium to travel. It is a form of energy which has little or no effect on human consciousness or behavior. It certainly cannot affect the earth’s magnetic field.

- Well the overall light of the whole galaxy remains the same. If we pass through a brighter region of the galaxy, the effect of that will just be that our nights will be a little brighter. However if we get a sudden raise in cosmic radiation the effect of that would be raise in cancer, blindness and death. But, we are lucky to have our sun and our atmosphere to protect us from those cosmic radiations.

Why all the hype going on is false:
- A pole shift is supposed to happen in 2012.
It will happen at some point in time but u can’t say when. A common sense point that comes as a logical answer is why NASA would not be able to confirm if there was some truth to it.

- Because of planet Nibiru pole shift will have affect on our magnetic field and it will make it to near zero.
It would still be there, in different unaccustomed places but will be as effective and powerful it is.
- A pole shift would be so bad for earth that it may freeze?
Yes, but it will take 5,000 years or more to shift and stabilize the poles as they are now. It's not going to be in a flash.

- We’re long overdue for a pole reversal.
Well may be, but it's been 380,000 years that we are over due, according to NASA. Our little 5,000 years of history is just a fraction.

Another popular belief is that pole shift completely removes the earth’s magnetic field during its reversal. Thus, the earth would be exposed to radiations and solar storms. Well, once again, this isn’t true because the strength of the magnetic field would remain the same. It's just that it will be more of souths and norths of poles emerging from different parts of the world till it's settled to reversed two pole positions.


Doomsday Theory 2012-What to Expect

An unsolved riddle- Are you doomed?
After we successfully survived the beginning of the new millennium without any incident, the most promoted and anticipated event in 2012 is the end of the world. The new apocalypse date is 21.12.2012 which coincidentally coincides with the end of the ancient Mayan calendar which abruptly comes to an end on the above mentioned date after completing its span of 5000 years. But it’s not just the end of Mayan Calendar that points towards to this date’s significance; it is also believed that this date also coincides with a galactic alignment in which the sun will align with the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Some predict that this movement could have catastrophic consequences as this rare event occurs every 26,000 years.

Other than the Mayan Calendar and the colossal alignment of the sun with the center of the Milky Way further evidence which leads to the 2012 catastrophe comes from a book that was released in 2900 B.C. called I Ching (or the Book of Change). This book contains hexagrams and calculations which were refined by Terrance McKenna and were converted into a graph. This graph has been fairly precise in foreseeing changes in the world. Much like the Mayan calendar this graph also ends at 2012 with no explanation. Another source that points towards the impending doom in 2012 is the Web Bot. It is a software that has been designed to calculate potential changes in the world. The software was basically developed to help in predicting the fluctuation of the stock market. It has predicted certain past events such as 9/11 with a degree of accuracy and now it forecasts a worldwide disaster in 2012.

The print as well as the electronic media is playing a significant role to hype up this date. Several books have been written on this topic for the past several months and new books keep arriving at local bookstores which are being read with great interest. Journalist Lawrence Joseph predicts a widespread catastrophe in “Apocalypse 2012: A Scientific Investigation into Civilization’s End” whereas Spiritual healer Andrew Smith forecasts a restoration of a “true balance between the Divine Feminine and Masculine” in “The Revolution of 2012: Vol. 1 The Preparation”. Channels like History Channel feature several programs on the significance of the relativity of 21.12.2012. but television is not the only resource that is focusing on this much talked about topic Hollywood is helping in building up the excitement regarding this date as well, movies are being made on different story lines some which support the date while others that claim it to be nothing but fiction. New sites are being put up every day to warn people about this unfortunate ending to the world.
Although all these sources are talking about the issue but in general there is difference of opinion that is to be found on what exactly happens on December 2012. Some think that this day will lead to the destruction of planet Earth thus bringing an end to the human race while others believe that we are to experience an unmatched spiritual awakening. Some predict a global financial meltdown while to others an asteroid will be main reason for the dooms day. Some tend to believe that there will be a shift in the Earth’s pole that would lead to disastrous environment events.

Every source that leads to the foreseeable doomsday there is an argument to the contrary. The Mayan calendar that is considered as the root cause of the whole doomsday theory was given up by the Mayans themselves hundred years ago and they use the modern calendars now. In fact, the Mayan calendar is not used by anyone these days and is considered irrelevant, and therefore there is no factual connection between the end of world and the calendar. On the other hand, the sun does not approach the center of Milky Way to closer than 5 degrees and that also doesn’t happen on 21.12.2012 but on 18th December and not just in 2012 but every year. The Web Bot has been accredited for predicting the 9/11 incident but what people leave out is that the Bot forecasted other major events and disasters as well which never happened.

Like every debate and every theory in the world, the dooms day theory too has some believers and some non believers who have their own arguments. The non believers consider the stories, science and prophecies are fiction and are being created to advertise the books, merchandise and television shows, a way to bag money from innocent people, to them this is nothing but a way to play with people’s fear. Whereas the believers are focusing more on these theories and try to cling on to every piece of information they can find regarding the doomsday, they are to get survival gears that would help them live to tell the tale of this apocalypse in 2012. So eventually it all gathers around a person’s belief so it’s for us to decide whether we want to see ourselves doomed or want to survive. End of the day the only person who can resolve the doomsday theory 2012 riddle is no one but us.

The age of Aquarius 2012-Is It There

A new beginning or end of the world?
The grand originator of the universe, the creator, God has a celestial timing pattern for mankind. The movement of our earth around the Sun and our solar system around the Galactic Sun is defining point for the timing patterns. The rotation around the sun gives us our season while the rotation around the galactic sun gives us our ages.

People have conceived existence subjected to cycles of time. The Mayans who arrived over 5000 years ago believed in the rotation of time and their calculations and observations are still considered to be accurate some of which are beyond the knowledge of modern science. The Aztecs also divided time into different “Suns”. Suns give rise to different humanities which they called Children of the First Sun, The Second Sun and so on. In old Europe even the ancient Greeks divided humanity into four cycles: the Golden Age, the Silver age, the Bronze age and the iron age. At the end of Iron Age the Earth is reformed and a new Golden Age begins. Just like the Aztecs and the Old Europeans, the same conception of existence is found in their sacred books.

In modern times we have forgotten that the life and time unfolds in cycles and we tend to think that it is revealed in linear pattern i.e. the past, present and the future. We don’t realize the year itself unfolds in endless cycles of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Just like the concepts of different ages and cycles that is to be found in the history of different ancient civilization, there exists the astrological cycle. This cycle has different zodiacal ages: the Age of Pisces, the Age of Aquarius…which keeps on repeating themselves until they complete the large cycle of time or Platonic Year.

Ages interlink the rise and fall, sinusoidal wave of cultural trends of civilizations; some astrologers believe that ages affect the mankind as a whole. Before the beginning of a new age the influence of that new age can be felt and seen. Since Aquarius is believed to rule modernization, electricity, freedom and democracy, this transitional developments of today’s era are said to be the appearance of the age of the Aquarius.

A lot of contradictions are found in the concept that either Age of Aquarius is the current age or new age in the astrological cycle. Astrologers like David William claim that Age of Aquarius has already began and adopts a sub-period approach to the ages which means that each age is divided into three decans. The world right now is in the first decan of the Aquarian age. Then there are theories of Marcia Moore and Mark Douglas who say that no one knows when the Aquarian Age will start. Robert Zoller on the other hand considers Aquarian Age as the Dark Age where religion will be considered offensive, family ties will be broken and knowledge will be measured only by its ability to win wars.
Vera Reid like many astrologers believes that Age of Aquarius will be the time when humankind will take control of the Earth and its own destiny as its rightful heritage. He believes that the keyword for Aquarius is “enlightenment” and this age is the destiny of Humankind.

The end Mayan calendar may not be the end of world but it might be a new beginning, once the Age of Aquarius starts the human lives will change forever. This Age will bring people closer to God and those will be spiritually sound will be the ones who survive with this new change. 2012 might not be the apocalypse but it can be a new door that shall lead us to the right path. Those who have begun to “enlighten” and have chose right path shall have no difficulty with the changes that come our way. Some people also link the beginning of this new age with the Rapture event that is mentioned in the Bible, which is the return of Jesus together his saints.

Media is creating hype about the 2012 doomsday theory which is linked with Mayan Calendar and later leads to the Age of Aquarius, if one really has to believe in something then instead of focusing on the negativity of the event that leads to the 2012 december end of the world, one should focus on the positive aspect of the whole situation. If Age of Aquarius is to arrive in2012 then enlightenment might exactly be the thing we need. Why not pick hope instead of fear? Peace, love is all we need so instead of focusing on the end why not think of it as a new beginning something that might help us rise and greet life with a positive attitude.

Bible 2012-Interpretations

Bible 2012- 2012 in the light of Bible Verses:

One thing that shall never end is the human urge to predict the future. In every age and era humans beings have tried to forecast upcoming events, many ways were invented in order to achieve this hunger that humans always had. Some tried to predict this by looking at the stars, others played with numbers to predict the future while some turned to religious means to foresee what shall happen next. Over the time days have been set and years have been predicted for the Doomsday but they all failed to succeed and people kept on being involved and even concerned as the predicted date approached. The most talked about date that is considered to bring a major incident is the year 2012. There are so many online information available which refer to various sources like the Bible Code interpretations as evidence of something big to happen to earth in the December 2012.

The abrupt ending cycle of Mayan Calendar on 21/12/2012 has lead people to believe that the Doomsday is near, where some people predict ending of the world, there is a set of people who consider this date as a new beginning. 2012 might not be the apocalypse but it can be a new door that shall lead us to the right path. Those who have begun to “enlighten” and have chose right path shall have no difficulty with the changes that come our way. People link this enlightenment phase with the Biblical Rapture, which is the return of the Christ to gather his saints.

When interpreting the Biblical codes there is mention of the Doomsday which is unavoidable but the Biblical Prophecy gives you no absolute dates. Instead there are relative timings given between certain milestones and the End of the world. The Doomsday that is mentioned in the bible has its linklings that would further lead to the main event, but as time passes and no events occur it closes our window for the year 2012. The rapture is the last of all the events that will lead to Doomsday so if for a while we do consider that Doomsday is bound to happen in 2012 then the preceding events like Wormwood (otherwise known as Planet X) of the 3rd trumpet is yet to come. Planet X’s passage is often connected with the year 2012 but most researchers believe that it is because of the hype created by the media and other sources of this particular year.

Some people think that a battle will begin in 2012. The Antichrist will stand in the Jewish Temple of Jerusalem and announce that he is God. The Bible calls this event the 'abomination of desolation'. Soon after this the Arab nations will join against Israel. Egypt will lead Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Jordan - every nation with a border with Israel - against it. Russia and its allies will join on the side of the Arabs. During the fight the US and Russia will use nuclear weapons against each other. The war will leave 2 billion dead. They consider that this war to be similar to what Bible calls “The battle of Armageddon” which would later guide to the return of Jesus Christ.

The staunch followers of thee Bible believe that All Bible teaches is to come close to God, it does say that Jesus will return to Earth and momentous things will be around time but at the same time we are encouraged to live lives and to be ready for that rather than waiting for end of the world.

The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord (Acts 2:20).

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare (2 Peter 3:10).

But Bible also tells that no one knows when the day will arrive. People have predicted dates in the past like Y2K, some claimed 2003 to be the year of end of the world while others said 2007 will be the year of a new beginning but as the time arrived they have been proved wrong and their predictions failed to prove what was promised.

Doomsday events range from natural occurrences to man-made events to Supernatural events which would further lead to the end of the World. People consider 9/11 as one the signs of the end of the world while others consider the concept of Global warming to be one thing that would further lead to the end of time. Certain researches show that Bible has evidence for the year 2012 to be the time for Wormwood's passage but time is running out for prerequisite events to happen beforehand.

Watch bible 2012 video here.

NASA 2012 end of the world-Circumstances

NASA Explains the Destructive Cycle of the Universe
The Mayan Calendar ending on the December 21st 2012 suggesting the end of the earth, can be a myth but in our universe there are many unpredictable things. Even though we consider ourselves living in an era of science and technology but still there are many mysteries of this universe that we do not understand and maybe it will take us lots of time to even come anywhere close to understand and fully discover the secrets of earth and this universe in which we are living. There were many nations who lived on earth before us and all of them were masters of their trade. They had knowledge of many things like astronomy, magic and future prediction that does not exist these days. Here we are going to look into the matter of unpredictable factor that may result in possible end of the earth possibly on the last date of Mayan Calendar. NASA has also pointed out few things regarding circumstances of 2012 end of the world; let’s review these things one by one:

1. NIBIRU pole shift: A planet which is considered as the twelfth planet of our solar system or may be called Planet X. This planet has an elliptical orbit and comes closest to the SUN in every 3600 years. It is believed that NIBIRU is coming near to the sun in 2012, the gravitational pull of which might affect our planet too.

2. Comet: There is also a possibility that the earth will be hit by a very big comet pulled towards the earth by its gravitational force.

3. Polar Shift in 2012: It is also believed that there will be a sudden shift in earth’s polar cap resulting in change in earth’s land mass. This theory is also linked with NIBIRU (planet X) because it is believed that due to the gravitational pull of that planet, the earth might rotate resulting in shifting of earth’s polar caps.

All of the above events have some logical backing; there have been some observation of such events in earth’s history. If we consider the actual big bang theory which occurred due to the gravitational forces between the planets, the probability of similar event occurring due to the approach of NIBIRU. We all are well aware that our planet is constantly showered by the small comets which enter our atmosphere but do not reach the earth due to a defense mechanism of our planet. But in history there have been occurrences when large comets hit the earth and resulted in mass destruction. Polar shift is also not a strange phenomenon for our planet as scientists have proved that once the whole planet was covered with ice and water and then because of climatically and seismic activities the continents were formed and ice was melted and this is the most relevant Nasa 2012 end of the world reference.

Is 2012 The End

Is The World Going to End in 2012?

There is a great hype today in the world regarding the above captioned statement. And it is purely based on various cults predicting the doomsday in 2012 for our planet earth and its surrounding galaxies. But before we go any further with our analysis of a variety of myths, we must bear in mind the following famous quote:

“When fear takes over, intelligence and common sense take off”.

So what did different cults and myths have to say about the world coming to an end. Read on:

Mayan Prediction
The Mayan Calendar has been uncanny in predicting the world events accurately. For example, it accurately predicted “the rise of White Man gods form the Sea in March 1519, amongst hosts of other predictions. The Mayan Calendar ends in the winter months of 2012. December 21 2012, to be precise. Most pundits take this abrupt end to signify the 2012 end of the World as we know it today. However, astronomers differ with this interpretation, as according to them December 21, 2012 signifies the end of a Galactic Day. Each galactic day is equal to 25,625 earth years, which is further divided into a five galactic period of 5,125 earthly years. The Mayan calendar simply ends with the conclusion of this Galactic day. A new Galactic day will dawn after the end of this previous Galactic day, just like any new 24 hour period day of our earthly life.

The Bible
The Bible also predicts the end of the world but due different reasons. It forecasts the end of the world due to death as a result of a massive plague. According to the Bible almost two thirds of the population will perish due to this plague and this will mark the beginning of the end of the World. Today H1N1 flu and Swine flu are taking its toll in the world. According to WHO and Hospital surveys, the rate at which these viruses are spreading, two thirds of the population may well be wiped out in three years time.

The Sybillian Prophecies
Sybil was an oracle. According to Sybillian prophecies the world will last for 9 periods of 800 years each and the 10th generation will begin in 2000. This period will be marked by great natural calamities like earthquakes, tsunamis which will throw many large cities in the sea. There will be war, and many cities will burn and the ashes will reach the skies. So far we have seen Tsunami in 2004, which drowned many cities in the sea. And then there is war in Iraq and Afghanistan. So according to Sybillian prediction, the world will most probably end in 2012.

The Quran
The holy Quran is the most respected book in the world due its literary and scientific value. The Quran has also predicted the end of the world with seven signs signifying the end. The first is splitting the moon, which has come true when parts of the moon were brought back to earth for analysis. Second is the breaking of the Quran's Mathematical code, which has also been cracked. The third is the emergence of a creature, which most people believe it to be the Computer. It also predicts the emergence of Yajooj and Majooj, emergence of Imam Mehdi, descending of Jesus to save the world, complete conversion to Islam and the defeat of the One Eyed Dajjal. Incidentally, people usually assume the one eyed Dajjal to be a human being, when in fact if one observes the Dajjal can be any other being. However, after its defeat, it will rise again and the world will then again descend into immorality when religion, in any form, shall cease to exist and when women will outnumber men to the ratio of seven women to one man. The world will then come to an end. With so many events to take place it doesn’t seem likely that the world will end in 2012

Nostradamus predicted end of the world
due to war. But most of his predictions are obscure, hidden behind ambiguous verses, which many have interpreted to suit their own theories. For example, both the Germans and the English used his obscure prophecies to forecast each others ultimate defeat. He, however, predicts that the world shall be destroyed due to World War III by 1998. Well, that has passed by, but as far as the world politics is concerned, this war may not be far off, especially taking into account predictions enumerated above.

Scientific facts are probably the most reliable, easily understood and believed by many. According to one theory, our sun is constantly expanding and will one day engulf our tiny planet rendering everything lifeless. But this will take place in five million years time. However, another phenomena described by science is that in 2012 all the planets in our solar system will be in complete alignment. Not only this, but it will occur when the solar system will be directly in alignment with the “black hole’. And what is the black hole? It is what Bermuda Triangle is to our planet earth.

It is inevitable that the world, like any living thing, will come to an end. When will this happen? Is 2012 the end? There is not much point in being phobic about a doubtful date. Important thing is to salvage the world from our own man made disasters (global warming, war, poverty, starvation, hunger deprivation, etc.) and salvage ourselves by performing good deeds for others less fortunate.

Nostradamus-2012 End of the World

Is December 2012 really the end of the world predicted by Nostradamus?
Michel De Notredame, more popularly known as Nostradamus, was born in France in the sixteenth century AD. He was an extremely popular physician-astrologer in Paris who won fame by accurately predicting many future events. Most of his work is in the form of obscure verses. His predictions usually concentrate on how the future events are going to affect the world stature of France and the role his country would play in those future events. For example, many Muslim scholars believe that with the advent of Imam Mehdi and subsequently Jesus in the world, Christians would convert to Islam and the two forces would then combine their efforts to defeat Yajooj and Majooj and the Jews. Nostradamus in his predictions is, however, oblivious of this fact and refers to Muslims as Barbarians, who will wage war against the world, ultimately destroying it.

Although his predictions are in the form of obscure verses, they have uncannily come true if one studies the history of the world. His accurate prediction regarding Napoleon's defeat, Hitler’s role in World War II (he actually refers to Hitler as Hister), bombing and destruction of cities from fighter aircraft, missiles, rockets etc. Most of his revelations are still being found. Most of them were hidden as they were far too provocative for his times, keeping in mind the Orthodox Christianity.

His recent work has been discovered in the archives of the National Library and it contains his prophecy for the end of the world. Similarly, the History channel aired these recent findings and concluded that his predictions, along with other doomsday predictions, could not be mere coincidences. But, according to his original prediction, the world was to come to an end in 1998. As we can see that date has passed and we are all still well and alive. Since his predictions are in the form of obscure verses, the new date that has been translated/interpreted, is 21st December 2012. The following verses describe the end of the world:
Thousands of people Thousands of miles away Thousands of years apart All predict a cataclysmic event Taking place on earth On the exact same day

Nostradamus’s predictions are somehow validated by NASA's end of the world predictions. Scientists at NASA reveal that the earth can expect major climatic upheavals due to change in the Sun’s magnetic fields, which will affect the earth’s magnetic fields. Tsunami, Global Warming, Cyclones and Tornadoes in recent years confirm these findings. And the major catastrophe will occur during the winter solstice of 2012. The date coincides with the Mayan calendar, which depicts end of civilization by that date. Incidentally, the Mayans predicted their own end at the hands of the Spanish conquerors. Similarly, the latest gadget which predicts the demise of the world is the X-Box computer, which accurately predicted the 9/11 event, amongst host of other accurate predictions. This computer also stops calculations/predictions after the crucial date of 21st December 2012.

Predictions based on different civilizations from different parts of the world and at different times, each predicting the same date for the demise of the world cannot be a mere coincidence. Nor can it be attributed to any form of conspiracy theory.
Critics of Nostradamus allege that most of his predictions are far too vague to be accurately translated. Some of his predictions were made after the event had passed, while others were simply educated guesses. As one scholar points out that arrows shot in the dark is bound to hit something occasionally.

However, keeping in mind Nostradamus’ predictions, science, too, has predicted that the world will eventually come to an end. If the total alignment of the planets on 21st December 2012 over the black hole goes alright, then they predict that the world will come to an end in about five million years time. This end will take place owing to the ever increasing size of our sun, which will expand to engulf our tiny planet and extinguish any form of life then. But the alignment of the planets over the black hole is itself a mystery, a phenomenon equated with the Bermuda Triangle in this world. Some scientists have theorized that if the solar system does pass through the black hole, then there must be an outlet on the other side of the black hole, just like there is an outlet for the Bermuda Triangle, which lies over the Japanese Seas.

Many theorists and mathematicians have now embarked on complex mathematical calculations, which predict the sequence of events that may occur. But this is still in its infancy as they are still working with the second and third derivatives and their changing ratios in relation to the changes in our solar system and our planet.

However, many people the world over are taking these doomsday predictions seriously. For example, the Danes have already begun preparing for their doom, as their country is predicted to sink in the sea. (Global warming). The Government of Mauritius is also taking action for the country’s inevitable sinking into the sea.

One must compare old predictions with historical facts and see for themselves how far these prophecies came true. Only then can one rely on Nostradamus 2012 end of the world predictions.

2012 Calender-All Monthly Events

A detailed view of 2012 Calendar:
The calendar of 2012 has assumed greater importance since the predictions and prophecies of various cults and religions concerning the end of the world in the winter solstice of 2012. In this post we take into account of what the cults and religions predicted for december 2012 on a month to month basis. This will help the reader to a better understanding and reconciliation of the events that have been forecasted by the different cultures and religions and science across the globe.

January 2012
1. First stand still of Mars (retrograde loop)
2. VK makes a close approach to earth.

February 2012
1. The impact of a 200 mile long asteroid that will cause a shift in the earth’s axis
2. Start of new age where people will be required to make physical change
3. The earth will go through the photon belt
4. Potentially dangerous approach of asteroid 2000 ET70
5. End of the 9th Hell cycle (Mayan)

March 2012
1. Planet X could impact Mercury circa
2. Mid point of Mars retrograde loop
3. Unfolding of the Prophecy according to Davidians
4. First of two elongations of Venus

April 2012
1. End of 52 year calendar and 9 hell cycle
2. Venus conjuncts Pleiades closer to central star since 853 AD
3. Second stand still in Mars retrograde loop
4. Start of “The Crossing”

May 2012
1. First stand still of Venus during its retrograde period
2. Zenith Sun and Moon conjuncts planet Pleiades

June 2012
1. Mercury could impact Venus circa
2. Venus emerges as morning star
3. Second stand still of Venus in retrograde loop
4. Islamic Lailat ul Mairaj

July 2012
1. Vega and Altair are no longer separated by the Milky Way
2. Potentially dangerous close approach of Asteroid 2002 AM31
3. End of the 5th Sun, thought by some to be invasions by the aliens
4. Start of Islamic Ramadan
5. Earthquakes brought about by the end of the 5th Sun

August 2012
1. End of 17 year period of ‘manifestation’, which was preceded by 7 year period of ‘preparation’, which was preceded by a 3 year period of ‘over turning of space time’. The age of meeting ourselves. (Andean prophecy)
2. Rosetta mission will land on Wirtanen comet, which will last for 11 months
3. Christian Transfiguration: appearance of Christ in body form
4. Asteroid 1998 QX4 passes near earth, which may impact the earth
5. Start of London Olympics. Some predict that aliens will invade earth on this day
6. End of Islam Ramadan
7. End of Venus round
8. Chinese Chung Yuan Festival: feeding of hungry ghosts and gates of hell are open throughout the month

September 2012
1. Five earthquakes that will mark the end of the 5th Sun
2. Comet Phobos will impact the earth on the 12th
3. Jewish: Last Day, Day of Judgment, Resurrection of the dead, Day of Awakening, Opening of the Gates of Heavens, Coronation of the Messiah
4. Extreme space weather most likely to affect earth bringing catastrophe
5. Aztecs predict 5 unlucky days to follow

October 2012
1. Entrance of electromagnetic pulses inspiring cosmic locusts. Also predicted by Nostradamus
2. Start of the new millennium and an end to the current age.
3. Venus aligns with star Regulus.
4. The end of the Aztac year
5. Start of the terminal year (Aztec Calendar)
6. Islamic Eid ul Azha – Start of the festival of sacrfice
7. Halloween

November 2012
1. Christian: all Saints Day
2. Mexican Day of the dead, followed by mass for the dead
3. Christian: Mass of he dead
4. Total eclipse of the sun
5. Return of Asteroid 2001 YB5, again missing the earth marginally
6. Floods caused by Pleiades as per Jewish mythology
7. The sun conjuncts with the dark ridge in the Milky Way

December 2012
1. Third density ‘implosion’ expected in the beginning of the month
2. The Geminids meteor showers starts
3. Rendezvous of Venus/Mercury with earth
4. Asteroid Toutatis, also known as Lucifers hammer, will pass the earth. Prophecies of Nostradamus, Mother Shipton and Biblical Revelation all combine on this day.
Earth’s axis will shift from the present 23.5o degrees back to near vertical
5. The earth will pass through inside the center of a magnetic axis and this bring a period of darkness lasting between 60-70 hours
6. 21st December 2012: 13-baktun cycle of the Mayan calendar reaches its end point
GMT 584283 correlation (True Count)
7. Galactic Alignment: The sun aligns with galactic equator at 11:18 GMT
8. Alignment with Venus and a new planet
9. According to Rush Allen, Mass records will be open and there will mass illumination of mankind
10. A comet hits the Moon
11. 22nd December: The purge and end of the Fourth World. (Pueblo Indians)
12. 23rd December: Beginning of the Fifth World (Pueblo Indians)

The above given detailed events of the 2012 calendar clearly show us that there will be many important happenings during that year with respect to many major beliefs and religions around the world. This gives boost to the idea of year 2012 being a very important year for the world be it its end or a major change.

Watch 2012 Calender video here.

2012 december end of the world-Truth

What is meant by the term world and how it came into being or how it was created? This is the first question which comes in mind and secondly, who created this world? So, generally we don’t have any solid answer regarding this question. When we use our common sense, we conclude that inhabitant of the earth and the earth was created by GOD for the mankind. This interpretation of world is not enough and specific. Various meanings and definition of world are found through different senses and having different concepts found around the world. Taking in view different approaches, we come to know that world means:
• Earth
• Surrounding heavens
• The system or procedure of creating things
• The third planet from the sun
• Human race

The second question which always arises in the mind and always has significance in thoughts is that when this world is going to see an end? In this case also, there are different thoughts and concepts which make people disturb and fear. Currently the hot issue which is under discussion is that the world would be ending in December 2012.

The astronomers predict that in December 2012, the world would come to an end. Astronomers have collected different evidences and proofs regarding this prediction. There are people who do not believe this but there are some who are living in believing in this prediction. There are different concepts in different religions but according to Mayan calendar, the world is going to see an end in the last month of the year called December 2012.


Followings are the Holy books of various religions in those it is clearly written about the end of the universe. Concept for the Day of Judgment is available in Bible, Torah and Quran.

There are about 101 end of the world Prophecies in bible. Some of them are as under:
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” Matthew 24:14
“Fear God and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come:”
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity ;the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the power of heaven shall be shaken.” Luke 21:25-26

According to these verses of the bible openly and clearly telling that the world will meet its end when the signs those are given in the verses of Bible one by one are taking place. The natural disasters have been increasing day by day.

• World Trade Centre
• Seaquake, Tsunami and Indonesia,
• Earthquake in Pakistan, China, Sichuan in 2008,
• Israel war
• Iran and Iraq war
• Terrorism

Following are the verses relating to end of the world in December, 2012
“God is knower of the future; He does not permit anyone to unveil such knowledge. Only through the messenger that He chooses does he reveal future and past events” 72:27

The holy book of Muslims tells that only Almighty knows the exact time of the end of the world and no one has the knowledge to disclose the hidden reality. Only GOD has the authority to expose the future and the past actions.
The day will come when this earth will be substituted with a new earth, and also the heavens and every one will be brought before GOD, the ONE, and the SUPREME. 14:48

“The hour has come closer and the moon has split” 54:1
It was done in year of 1969 when the man was landed on the moon and returned back with the moon rocks.
“At the right time, we will produce for them a creature, made of earthly materials, declaring that the people are not certain about our revelation” 27:82
Holy Quran has predicted about the creature which is the computer which discloses the numerical codes of the Quran.

No doubt that this world is temporary and one day the world is going to see an end. There is no clear idea that when the world would come to an end but it is believed by many people that is 2012 the end of the world.

Watch 2012 december end of the world video

Mayan 2012 Predictions-The Reality

What is the hype about Mayan 2012 Predictions?
Since the start of the civilization man has always been in the fear of unknown. The fear of ending of the world is very common amongst people and draws more interest. In major religions such as Islam, Christianity and Judaism, they have their own beliefs regarding the end of the world. Most of the signs and the descriptions of the events for Armageddon are similar to each other but none of them has given the exact time frame.

The Mayan calendar plays a very important role regarding calculating the days and the theory of the end of times or the world. Mayan 2012 predictions are showing and predicting that in December 2012, the world is going to end. Because of this prediction, the fear of death and ending of the world is taking place amongst people.

Mayan calendar or Mayan 2012 predictions are based upon the relics and writings found in ancient’s Mayan site in Mexico. Interpretations of these writing led scientists to predict December 2012 as the end of the world. Most of the important of all these writings are the ones fond at Tortuguero. Mayanist historian Mark Van Stones has translated one of all these writings:

Tzuhtz-(a)j-oom u(y)-uxlajuun pik The Thirteenth [b'ak'tun] will end (ta) Chan Ajaw ux(-te') Uniiw. (on) 4 Ajaw, the 3rd of Uniiw [3 K'ank'in]. Uht-oom Ek'-... Black ... will occur. Y-em(al) ... Bolon Yookte' K'uh ta-chak-ma... (It will be) the descent(?) of Bolon Yookte' K'uh to the great (or red?)
The Mayan calendar is based on the count of cycles of twenty.
• The longest unit was Baktun,
• Each Baktun was made up to twenty Katuns,
• Twenty Tuns in a Katun,
• Twenty Unials in a Tun,
• Twenty days in a Unial.
So a single Mayan Baktuns consisted of 144,000 days.

So, represents
• 9 Baktuns
• 5 Katuns
• 1 Tun
• 8 Unials and
• 11 days since creation.

So today’s and current interpretation of Mayan 13th Baktuns is December 2012 (with some debate about exact date in December). Mayan refers to it as end to long count calendar so that new cycle will start after the end of old one.

It is a scholarly debate among Mayanist, different communities and scientists for the exact date and the meaning of the end of the long count. Mayan experts differ in opinion because different Mayan states had their own system as well as use of Long Count Calendar. At one site, the reference shows that cycle will end at 20 Baktuns (there is no mention of end of all cycles) on Monument of King Pacal’s coronation with events as far as 400 years in the future which depict that event of the world will not end in 2012 rather in much farther in future and end of cycle will not result in end of life but a beginning of a new time. It will be starting of another cycle of time in that Long Count Calendar. According to modern Mayan scholars, one cycle represents one cycle of time odometer and as per their 2012 doomsday theories, end of this odometer will occur some where in thousands of years in future. So in reference to that any time line of December 2012 is wrong interpretation of Mayan calendar and no such date is going to be the end of time.

Islamic scholars oppose it on basis of facts that all the events mentioned near Qayamah (Armageddon) are not yet happened so till the happening of such events world will not be destroyed. Return of Hazrat Eisa (Jesus) and Imam Mehdi has yet to take place. Similarly Christians and Jews oppose it based on their religious books and term it as mere speculations. Even in Mayan original script there is mention of return of Bolon Yookte Kuh (Mayan god) after 13 Baktun but no further mention is made about him or about future events after his return.

There is another school of thought which links these events to alignment of Galaxy and even speculate that alignment of sun with center of Galaxy will create a black hole that will destroy earth. Some have related 2012 with passage of or collision of some star or planet called Nibiru with earth that will result in end of the cycle as well as time.

With drastic differences of interpretations of Mayan 2012 predictions among Mayan experts as well as other historians of ancient literature, there is very little likely hood that such catastrophe will occur in 2012. However we all know that every beginning has an end and that end is the ultimate fate of this world and the universe.

Watch this Mayan 2012 Predictions video.


Nibiru Pole Shift and 2012

Nibiru Pole Shift and end of the world!
Nowadays, the hot issue which is taking place is that the world is going to see an end on 21st December, 2012. The prediction regarding this end is giving strength to the idea that Nibiru planet is coming nearer to the earth. The phenomenon of planet Nibiru is creating fear in people and making them worried and depressed all around the world.

Now the question arises is that what is Nibiru exactly? how the astrologists have predicted about the end of the world in 2012 and is really the cause of world's end is Nibiru? There are so many questions in mind regarding this eventuality which require answers.

Nibiru is also known as
• Planet X
• Twelfth planet
• Marduk
It has great distance from the solar system, having a 3600 year travel around the sun.

According to ancient Sumerian writers the meaning of the Nibiru is
• Planet of the crossing or
• Crossing planet

The thought of Nibiru is taking place too much these recent years because of it being taken as one possible cause of the so called world end in 2012. A hypothesis or the assumption or the theory of Zechariah Sitchin is very much talked in nibiru reference. His theory is a mix of Sumerian studies and the studies of Bible. He talks of the giant Nephilim from the book of Genesis, who in his view are the Anunnaki. These Nephilim are according to him are the alien species who have been existing in the spaces of heavens way before humans. In fact humans might have been a product of some genetic engg experiment of those aliens. The home planet of Niphilim is Nibiru which follows an orbit of 3600 year time line and according to the theory the next passing of Nibiru near to earth will be in year 2085 AD.

But there are other scholars, astrologists and historians who have their own dates like Burak Eldem, according to him the year of passing of Nibiru will be in 2012. Eldem has written a book titled 2012-Appointment with Marduk (Nibiru).

• The Nibiru collision or clash; the theory was developed in 1995 by Nancy Lieder who is creator of the website called Zeta Talk.

• According to Nancy Lieder, she says that:
“She was the chosen one to warn mankind that the object (in this case Nibiru) would sweep straight through the solar system in May 2003 (this was later revised and the date was extended to 2010), this collusion will be causing a pole shift of the earth that would destroy most of humanity”.

This theory got attention of the people around the world specially those who use internet. As per Nancy's theory, the planet X (Nibiru) will soon cross the earth and will destroy the earth in such a manner that the crossing of Nibiru will cause the rotation of earth for 5.9 earthly days which will cause the magnetic poles of earth shift in 2012 to destabilize the earth. This event will cause the disorder the earth's core and dislocate the earth's crust which will bring destruction to humanity.

• So by various apocalyptic associations it is said that in 2012 December the earth will be destroyed because the cycle to Baktun is close to an end in the long count as given in Mayan calendar.

Zechariah Sitchin, himself criticized upon the idea of Nancy Lieder. He wrote a book named THE END OF DAYS in 2007; in that book he writes for Nibiru:

“That set the time for the last passing of Nibiru by earth at roughly 600BC.which would mean ,given the objects supposed 3,600 years orbit, it would be unlikely to return in less than 1000 years.”

Like most of the writers who have written books on Nibiru collision, Hazlewood has his own view about planet X or Nibiru, he says that:

“It is going to happen in the year 2012 December and strongly believes that there are intelligent alien species striving to protect us as a humans. Moreover, this whole event will induce a higher level of consciousness in december 21 2012 in us human beings”

Following are some grounds on which the idea of the Nibiru collision is failed:

• Firstly if there is any object which is near to the earth then that object must be seen or viewed easily like other planets such as Jupiter, and Saturn

• As they say Nibiru is short distant with Jupiter and Saturn then why Nibiru is not visible and can not be seen easily by the naked eye?

• Most of them say that the Nibiru is behind the sun that’s why it in not visible to us from earth but scientists say that it is geometrically and scientifically wrong and impossible.

• According to Mike Brown, he says that

It would have survived only a million years if the Nibiru's orbit were the same as has been described; or Jupiter must have expelled it from the solar system. There is no other such object like Nibiriu that could have such an affect on earth's magnetic field.

It is true that the world is going to destroy one day either it be because of Nibiru pole shift or anything else, we have to wait for that day.

Watch nibiru pole shift video.